407 Lots sold, 143 registered bidders, 9 vendors !!!
A great day under brilliant sunny blue skies.
Venue | KALKITE, 916 Kalkite Road, Kalkite NSW 2627 |
Account | P Fischer & L Freeman and outside entries |
Inspect | 8am on the the day or as otherwise pre-arranged |
Register | 8am on the day or via pre-registration To pre-register for this auction, please contact our office, supply a scanned copy of your driver's license. |
Auction | Commencing at 9am | Saturday 18th March 2023 |
Catering | Provided by Caytarose |
Terms | Bidding card system | ID required |
Payment & Pickup | On the day |
Payment Methods | Cash & Bank Cheque or Personal Cheque (Must be pre-approved). EFTPOS facilities maybe available on the day. To register for pre-approval to pay with a Personal Cheque, please click here. |
Buyers | Please refer to terms and conditions |
Vehicle | Mitsubishi Triton 4WD V6 Petrol Single cab ute (approx. 31,089 kms); 2008 Skoda Octavia 4WD (approx. 450,000km, Dec 2023 rego); Polaris XP side by side (approx. 2,410km, heater & power windows); Yamaha Ag200 Motorbike; Fibreglass Savage Riviera half cabin boat (100 hp, on registered trailer); Old car parts (VW); |
Rare Unique Antiques & Collectables | Horse drawn harrows; Yokes; Dog traps x 6 (2 very old, hand forged); Various rabbit traps; Chesterfield 3-seater lounge; Antique timber dining table; Cable operated wool press; Electrical shearing gear; Sunbeam narrow handpiece x 2; |
Horse Saddlery | Pack saddle (stamped D^D); Saddle bags (stamped Quail Cooma made); Leather scabbards x 2; Heavy horse harness; |
Livestock |
To be sold at the completion of clearing sale items. 3 x 3 Simmental cows and calves. Cows age from 9-13 years. Calves 8 months (2 heifer calves, 1 steer calf). Cows not station mated. 3 Simmental cows. Age 8 – 11 years. Cows not station mated. 2 Simmental/Angus cross heifers. 2020 drop, not station mated. 3 Simmental heifers. 2021 drop, not station mated. |
Hay/Fodder |
Approx 27 (3 x 4 x 8) large square bales of lucerne; Approx 25 small square bales of lucerne; |
Building Materials, Workshop Equipment & Tools | Assorted lengths of timber; Pipe fittings; Electrical cable; Assorted hand tools; Stihl 046 Chainsaw; Stihl HT131 Pole pruner; McCullock Electramac 235 Chainsaw; Assorted lengths of steel; Assorted electrical cables and hoses; Makita cut off saw; Lengths of PVC drainage; Large indoor arena lights; Volt metre; Assorted corrugated iron, bricks & pavers; |
Farming Equipment & Materials | Baler Claas Rollant 62S; MF90 Massey Fergusson disc plough (6 discs, 3PL); Gibbins-Rawling TH100 offset disc plough (5m wide); Simos 3PL cultivator; 3PL harrows x 2; Tow cables; 100L Electric Spray unit w retractable reel; Poly pipe (assorted sizes); Large ironbark strainers; Comprehensive range of fencing material (new & used); |
Outdoor/Garden Equipment |
Husqvarna LTH 20238R Ride-on mower; Victa 2 stoke push mower; Gas BBQ; |
Household Items | Assorted household furniture; Bar stools; 3-seater leather lounge; Cowhide rugs; |
Miscellaneous | Scuba diving equipment; |
1. M Guest | 4WD 1995 Toyota Land Cruiser Single cab ute w Super spreader fitted onto back (unregistered, approx. 202,465km) |
2. J Murray | Massey Fergusson 590 Tractor w frontend loader (approx. 4,300 hours, 78hp, air conditioned cab); 2 new front tyres & filters |
3. D & S Scarlett | Bonel 10’ rotary hay rake; Drum 5’ hay mower; Meco charcoal water fish/meat smoker; 12 x 2 yr old chickens; 20 hogget coats; 40 sheep coats; 9 mixed size coats; Stock saddle & bridle |
4. Wyuna | 10 x Charolais cross steers (10-12 mths); 1 x Angus cross steer (10-12 mths) |
5. | Suzuki V-Storm 650XT 2015 (Rego until 28/3/2023, approx. 22,000km, service history, soft panniers) |
6. M McPhie | WIA 200 Mig Tig Welder with trolley and gas bottle |
7. K & P Heeley | Carmichael 430 wood stove with wet back; Dean's tipping trailer for ATV, brand new |
8. Ian Arnold | Toro Zero Turn Mower (42”, Z4202); Victa Commander Push Mower; 2 x Workshop lights; Table & 4x chair set; Trolley jack; Heater; Steel tyre advertising signs; Waste oil – drain tubs x 2, 2.2 Ton (12v-15amp) lifting hoist, 405/7or20 s/hand E/Mover tyres, 17.5 R25 s/hand E/mover tyres, 2 x sets L/cruiser whhels and tyres, 1 x set Subaru wheels and tyres, workshop pedestal fan (brand new), pressure washer-not working, HUSQUARNA chain saw-not working, small office pedestal fan, office chair |
© KIRSHNER MACKAY Property and Livestock | 1 Park Street, Berridale NSW 2628
P (02) 6456 6783 E info@kirshnermackay.com.au W www.kirshnermackay.com.au
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